
to the Homepage of the world's most prestigious publisher of the war documents of the United States of America


P. O. Box 1021
Jasper, Texas 75951

What you'll find at this Site:

About Our Company

Historical Document Reproduction, Inc. is a company that was formed in 1985 with a unique mission. The mission is to distribute laser graphic color reproductions of the important war documents of the United States of America to all citizens who care about preserving history and educating future generations about the many Americans who sacrificed their lives for freedom and country.

In this regard, the distribution of color prints of the Instrument of Surrender document which ended hostilities in World War II, is of primary importance. Our firm's reproductions of this famous document [two pages] are the first exact size color prints of the Instrument of Surrender document that have ever been produced. Each page is the exact size of the original document [22 1/4 inches in length and 15 1/2 inches in width]. Laser graphic generated color printing plates are used in the printing process.

Limited numbers of these historical reproductions along with an enlarged color print [15 inches wide and 17 1/2 inches in length] of an original 8 inch by 10 inch signed photograph of the Japanese surrender with historical booklet, have been made available to many Veterans of World War II. A significant number of high schools and institutions that preserve the legacy of America's involvement in the world's greatest armed conflict have received these unique sets at no charge.

For the first time through the Internet, these reproductions are now being offered worldwide. We invite your inquiries and we hope our Internet home page will answer most of your questions.

Plesase Note:
Due to circumstanses beyond our control the address of this web site has changed from www.wardocuments.com to www.freedomdocuments.com

Any references to the old web address should be changed to the new address, thank you!

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This Site Maintained by:
Van Vowell
Waco, Texas